Commentary Writing
Commentary Writing
ISBN 9781876659721
Michael Woolman
Commentary Writing is a step-by-step guide to the challenging task of writing a commentary on an ‘unseen’ passage for the International Baccalaureate Diploma English A1 Examination.
Students are guided into an analysis and appreciation of the thoughts and feelings embedded in literary texts, both poetry and prose. They are introduced to the many literary features used in such texts and how these features both help create and reinforce the thoughts and feelings. A final section of the book shows students how to organise and structure their own writing to produce effective commentaries.
The first two sections of the book explain and illustrate key literary concepts. Each of these is followed by suggestions for practical work presenting students with opportunities to consolidate their understanding. The final section of the book discusses the ‘Presentation’ and ‘Formal Use of Language’ criteria of the examination.
Finally, examples of completed commentaries at both Higher and Standard level, based on both prose and poetry texts, are given. Although written specifically for students of the IB Diploma A1 English programme students preparing for similar examinations based on unseen literary texts will find this book invaluable.
Students familiar with Michael’s popular Theory of Knowledge textbook, Ways of Knowing are aware of his relaxed and informal writing style which he uses to explain complex ideas without condescending or over simplifying.
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